The 'Taricco Saga': the Italian Constitutional Court continues its European journey: Italian Constitutional Court, Order of 23 November 2016 no. 24/2017; Judgment of …

G Piccirilli - European Constitutional Law Review, 2018 -
Between 2015 and 2018, a chain of judicial decisions by the European Court of Justice and
the Italian Constitutional Court (hereinafter 'Corte Costituzionale','the Italian Court', or simply …

The Kelsenian model of constitutional review in times of European integration–reconsidering the basic features

A Kustra-Rogatka - International and Comparative Law Review, 2019 -
The paper deals with the changes in the centralized (Kelsenian) model of constitutional
review resulting from a state's membership of the EU, which unequivocally demonstrates the …

Tutela de los derechos fundamentales de la Unión Europea por el Tribunal Constitucional

XA Santisteban - 2015 -
Queda prohibida, salvo excepción prevista en la ley, cualquier forma de reproducción,
distribución, comunicación pública y transformación de esta obra sin contar con …

Domestic judicial defiance in the European Union: a systemic threat to the authority of EU law?

A Dyevre - Yearbook of European Law, 2016 -
In a multi-level, non-hierarchical court system, where courts at the upper echelon do not
have the power to reverse the decisions of courts at the lower level, judicial cooperation …

[图书][B] Kelsenowski model kontroli konstytucjonalności prawa a integracja europejska. Studium wpływu

A Kustra - 2015 -
Praca dotyczy tematu o bardzo istotnym charakterze, stanowi bowiem analizę przemian,
jakie ewolucja integracji europejskiej wywołała w instytucjach tradycyjnego …

[图书][B] The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2020

GZ Capaldo - 2022 -
The 2020 edition marks the 20th Anniversary of The Global Community Yearbook of
International Law and Jurisprudence. The Yearbook has established itself as an …

Constitutional courts as guardians of EU fundamental rights? Centralised judicial review of legislation and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU: European …

D Paris - European Constitutional Law Review, 2015 -
The Simmenthal judgment of 1978 shed light for the first time on the tension between the
centralised model of judicial review of legislation1 and the principle of primacy of EU law. 2 …

Die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in der vernetzten Weltordnung

A Lang - … in rechtsordnungsübergreifenden Richternetzwerken …, 2020 - Springer
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Sommersemester 2019 von der Juristischen Fakultät der
Freien Universität Berlin als Dissertation angenommen. Literatur und Rechtsprechung ist bis …

I diritti sociali alla prova della crisi: l'Italia nel quadro europeo

S Giubboni - Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali …, 2014 -
1. Disponiamo oramai di una cospicua letteratura, anche di taglio comparato1, sugli effetti
della “grande crisi” sui sistemi di diritto del lavoro e della sicurezza sociale2, in particolare di …

[图书][B] Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben für die europäische Integration: die Rechtsprechung des deutschen und des italienischen Verfassungsgerichts

LK Mannefeld - 2017 -
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat sich seit den Anfangen der europaischen Integration in
einer Vielzahl von Entscheidungen mit moglichen verfassungsrechtlichen Grenzen des …