The contribution of emergent literacy skills for early reading and writing achievement

DAS Castro, SD Barrera - Trends in Psychology, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Studies in the English language suggest that emergent literacy skills promote success in
literacy. This longitudinal study investigated whether and which emergent literacy skills …

Prediction of reading and writing in elementary education through early childhood education

TCB Pazeto, NM Dias, CMA Gomes… - Psicologia: Ciência e …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
The study investigated the predictive role of executive functions, language, initial reading
and writing abilities, teacher's perception of the students' difficulties and family …

Reading aloud and child development: a cluster-randomized trial in Brazil

A Weisleder, DSR Mazzuchelli, AS Lopez… - …, 2018 -
OBJECTIVES: Many children in low-and middle-income countries fail to reach their
developmental potential. We sought to determine if a parenting program focused on the …

[HTML][HTML] Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI) básico em crianças com TDAH e Dislexia

K Ricci, CM Gomes Assis, MA Nico Nogueira… - Psicologia desde el …, 2020 -
Há evidências da eficácia do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI), versão
básica, sobre inteligência, processamento visoespacial e flexibilidade cognitiva. Como tais …

[HTML][HTML] Prediction of arithmetic competence: role of cognitive abilities, socioeconomic variables and the perception of the teacher in early childhood education

TCB Pazeto, NM Dias, CMA Gomes… - Estudos de Psicologia …, 2019 -
The study investigated, in a longitudinal cohort, predictive models of arithmetic competence
(AC) in the 1st year from language and executive functions assessed at preschool age. A …

Using escribo play video games to improve phonological awareness, early reading, and writing in preschool

AN Amorim, L Jeon, Y Abel… - Educational …, 2020 -
The increased use of smartphones and tablets sets the stage for new mobile-based
educational programs that seek to increase student learning and engagement in school and …

Executive Functions, Oral Language and Writing in Preschool Children: Development and Correlations1

TCB Pazeto, AG Seabra, NM Dias - Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 2014 - SciELO Brasil
Executive functions (EF) and oral language (OL) are important for learning reading and
writing (RW) and for the development of other skills in preschool. The study investigated the …

[HTML][HTML] Avaliação de habilidades preliminares de leitura e escrita no início da alfabetização

TCB Pazeto, CBR León, AG Seabra - Revista Psicopedagogia, 2017 -
Habilidades preliminares de leitura e escrita envolvem a capacidade de reconhecimento
das letras e sons do alfabeto ea capacidade de codificar e decodificar letras, sílabas ou …

Executive functions in preschool children: development and relationships with language and behavior

CBR León, NM Dias… - … Psicologia: Teoria e …, 2018 -
Este estudo investigou o desenvolvimento das funções executivas (FE) e sua relação com
linguagem oral (LO), habilidades iniciais de alfabetização (AL) e comportamento em …

[HTML][HTML] Phonological awareness and early reading and writing abilities in early childhood education: preliminary normative data

CBR León, Á Almeida, S Lira, G Zauza, TCB Pazeto… - Revista CEFAC, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: to provide preliminary normative data for the Reading and Writing Test by type of
school, and normative data for the Phonological Awareness Test by Oral Production for …