Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of experimental research

V Rifert, V Sereda, V Gorin, P Barabash… - Heat and mass …, 2020 - Springer
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the published experimental researches on
condensation heat transfer inside plain tubes. The existing methods of the research on heat …

Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of theoretical research

V Rifert, V Sereda, A Solomakha - Heat and mass transfer, 2019 - Springer
This paper critically reviews the existing theoretical models of heat transfer prediction in
condensing inside plain tubes. More than 20 theoretical methods and correlations for heat …

Heat transfer during film condensation inside horizontal tubes in stratified phase flow

V Sereda, V Rifert, V Gorin, O Baraniuk… - Heat and mass …, 2021 - Springer
In this paper, the experimental study of heat transfer during condensation of freons R22 and
R407С in a plain smooth tube with 17 mm inner diameter was carried out at saturated …

Prediction of effective heat transfer coefficients for vapour condensation inside horizontal tubes in stratified phase flow

V Sereda, V Rifert, V Gorin, P Barabash - Energetika, 2022 - lmaleidykla.lt
In modern condensers of air conditioning systems, heat pumps, evaporators of seawater
desalination systems, and heaters of power plants, the process of vapour condensation is …

Continuum approach to evaluate humidity transportation by an earth to air energy exchanger

SME Motoula, LJP Gomat, J Lin, BM Mabiala - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2022 - Elsevier
The efficiency of an Earth to Air Energy Exchanger is evaluated for the transport of outdoor
air moisture by the simplified analytical method implemented in the previous paper for the …

[PDF][PDF] Evolution of centrifugal distillation system with a thermoelectric heat pump for space missions

VG Rifert, LI Anatychuk, PO Barabash, VI Usenko… - Editorial …, 2019 - jnas.nbuv.gov.ua
The article describes the main results of the development and testing of a multistage
centrifugal vacuum distillation (MCVD) system with a thermoelectric heat pump (THP). For …

[PDF][PDF] Justification of the method for calculating heat transfer in film evaporators with a rotating surface

V Rifert, A Solomakha, P Barabash, V Usenko… - Bulg. Chem …, 2020 - bcc.bas.bg
The paper discusses a heat and mass transfer apparatus with a rotating surface of various
shapes (disk, cone, etc.) for the treatment of liquids for which the residence time in the high …

Heat transfer performance in heat exchangers with in-tube film condensation: monograph

V Rifert, V Sereda, P Barabash - Primedia eLaunch …, 2023 - publishing.logos-science.com
This book focuses on heat transfer process between two-phase condensation flow and
internal surface of the tube in various heat exchangers, particularly in the evaporative …

[PDF][PDF] Лю Ян

НО Швець, ВВ Середа - ВЧЕНІ ЗАПИСКИ, 2021 - tech.vernadskyjournals.in.ua
Запропоновано метод визначення режимів течії двофазного потоку, який ураховує
вплив сил притягання і тертя на зміну меж режимів. Показано зміну режимів течії для …

[PDF][PDF] Підвищення ефективності компактних теплообмінників із оребреними трубками

НО Швець - 2021 - ela.kpi.ua
АНОТАЦІЯ Магістерська дисертація на тему «Підвищення ефективності компактних
теплообмінників із оребреними трубками»: 104 с., 71 рис., 7 табл., 4 додатки, 99 …