Video browsing interfaces and applications: a review

K Schoeffmann, F Hopfgartner, O Marques… - Spie …, 2010 -
We present a comprehensive review of the state of the art in video browsing and retrieval
systems, with special emphasis on interfaces and applications. There has been a significant …

The video explorer: a tool for navigation and searching within a single video based on fast content analysis

K Schoeffmann, M Taschwer… - Proceedings of the first …, 2010 -
We propose a video browsing tool supporting new efficient navigation means and content-
based search within a single video, allowing for interactive exploration and playback of …

Efficient detection of zero-day android malware using normalized bernoulli naive bayes

L Sayfullina, E Eirola, D Komashinsky… - 2015 IEEE Trustcom …, 2015 -
According to a recent F-Secure report, 97% of mobile malware is designed for the Android
platform which has a growing number of consumers. In order to protect consumers from …

Elasticplay: Interactive video summarization with dynamic time budgets

H Jin, Y Song, K Yatani - Proceedings of the 25th ACM international …, 2017 -
Video consumption is being shifted from sit-and-watch to selective skimming. Existing video
player interfaces, however, only provide indirect manipulation to support this emerging …

Video browsing using interactive navigation summaries

K Schoeffmann… - 2009 Seventh International …, 2009 -
A new approach for interactive video browsing is described. The novelty of the proposed
approach is the flexible concept of interactive navigation summaries. Similar to time sliders …

Visualization of video motion in context of video browsing

K Schoeffmann, M Lux, M Taschwer… - … on Multimedia and …, 2009 -
We present a new approach for video browsing using visualization of motion direction and
motion intensity statistics by color and brightness variations. Statistics are collected from …

Introducing risplayer: real-time interactive generation of personalized video summaries

V Vald&3233; s, JM Martínez - Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop …, 2010 -
This paper introduces the Real-Time Interactive Video Summaries Player-RISPlayer-, an
application for the real-time generation and visualization of video summaries that allows the …

Facilitating interactive search and navigation in videos

K Schoeffmann - Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference …, 2010 -
We present a tool that can efficiently facilitate interactive navigation and search in videos. In
addition to browsing a video by shots it also allows a user to navigate through a video with …

Models and operators for extension of active multimedia documents via annotations

DS Martins - 2013 -
Multimedia production is an elaborate activity composed of multiple information
management and transformation tasks that support an underlying creative goal. Examples of …

Interactively browsing movies in terms of action, foreshadowing and resolution

S Greenhill, B Adams, S Venkatesh - … of the 10th annual joint conference …, 2010 -
We describe a novel video player that uses Temporal Semantic Compression (TSC) to
present a compressed summary of a movie. Compression is based on tempo which is …