We report new results from the 50-MHz Jicamarca radar in Peru (12° S, 77° W), which is able to observe backscatter from the daytime mesosphere on any given day. Since 2005, the …
Radar cross sections (RCS) of mesospheric layers at 50 MHz observed at Jicamarca, Peru, range from 10− 18 to 10− 16 m− 1, three orders of magnitudes smaller than cross sections …
Abstract MST (mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere) radar observations at Jicamarca use four antenna beams, one vertical, others tilted to the east, west, and south, to detect the …
A study of solar flare effects observed at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory (JRO) will be presented. The observations were made while the Jicamarca radar was conducting …
" Incoherent scatter (IS) radar and ionosonde (VIPIR, vertical incidence pulsed ionospheric radar) data were taken concurrently at Jicamarca during campaigns of January, April, June …
Since the first radar measurement of the mesosphere above the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in the 1970s, advancement in computing has allowed for increasingly complex …