Negotiating ethics-in-action in a long-term research relationship with a young child

N Rutanen, R Raittila, K Harju, Y Lucas Revilla… - Human Arenas, 2023 - Springer
This article continues the discussions of relational ethics put forward in Human Arenas in
“Arena of Ethics”(Hilppö et al., 2019). Our aim in this article is to explore and discuss …

Äitien luottamuksen rakentuminen kasvattajiin varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksessa

N Rutanen, K Laaksonen - Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 2020 -
Vanhempien ja kasvattajien kasvatusyhteistyön sujuvuus heijastuu siihen, millaiseksi
varhaiskasvatuksen aloitus muodostuu lapsen kokemuksena. Parhaimmillaan yhteistyön …

Newcomer object ownership negotiations when transitioning from home care to early childhood education and care in Finland

Y Lucas Revilla, R Raittila, E Sevon… - European Early …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
For those experiencing them, educational transitions include not only the present time but
are embedded within institutions that precede and extend beyond the individuals. This …

Infants' emotional and social experiences during and after the transition to early childhood education and care

ME Gath, L Herold, E Hunkin… - Journal of Early …, 2024 -
The socio-emotional experiences of infants during transitions to early childhood education
and care (ECEC) and across their first year in these out-of-home contexts are not well …

Stabilise, balance and adjust—Framing the early years transitions of children whose parents work non‐standard hours

K Peltoperä, A Siippainen… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This study examined talk by parents about the early years transitions of their children (n= 7)
in the context of parental non‐standard working hours and Finnish early childhood …

(In) visible perceptions of objects ('things') during early transitions: Intertwining subjectivities in ECEC

EJ White, F Westbrook, K Hawkes… - … Issues in Early …, 2023 -
Objects in early childhood education (ECEC) experiences have begun to receive a great
deal more attention than ever before. Although much of this attention has emerged recently …

Viðhorf leikskólakennara og leiðbeinenda til upphafs leikskólagöngu barna

H Pálmadóttir - 2020 -
Greinin er byggð á rannsókn sem ætlað er að varpa ljósi á viðhorf og reynslu
leikskólakennara og leiðbeinenda í einum leikskóla í Reykjavík af samstarfi við foreldra-og …

Parental Educational Anxiety during Children's Transition to Primary School in China

Q Liu, X Hong, M Wang - … Journal of Environmental Research and Public …, 2022 -
Children's transition from preschool to primary school has long been recognized as a
particularly challenging period that can induce parental educational anxiety. As a true …

Erotilanteet varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksessa–Miten aikuinen kohtaa itkevän lapsen?

A Pursi, L Lipponen - Kasvatus, 2021 -
Varhaiskasvatuksen aloitus on monelle pienelle lapselle elämän ensimmäinen vanhem
masta tai huoltajasta eroamisen kokemus, johon liittyy intensiteetiltään voimakkaita tunne …

„Mér líður eins og ég tilheyri, veit að hún lærir tungumálið fljótt.“Foreldrar með fjölbreyttan bakgrunn og fullgildi við upphaf leikskólagöngu

H Pálmadóttir - Netla, 2022 -
Greinin er byggð á rannsókn þar sem leitast var við að skilja hvaða merkingu foreldrar með
fjölbreyttan bakgrunn leggja í reynslu sína af samskiptum og þátttöku við upphaf …