A review of agent-based programming for multi-agent systems

RC Cardoso, A Ferrando - Computers, 2021 - mdpi.com
Intelligent and autonomous agents is a subarea of symbolic artificial intelligence where
these agents decide, either reactively or proactively, upon a course of action by reasoning …

A scripting language for practical agent-oriented programming

F Bergenti, S Monica, G Petrosino - Proceedings of the 8th ACM …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
This paper describes the features of a scripting language proposed to support the practical
implementation of agents and multi-agent systems using an agent-oriented programming …

[PDF][PDF] Overview of a Scripting Language for JADE-Based Multi-Agent Systems.

F Bergenti, G Petrosino - WOA, 2018 - ceur-ws.org
This paper outlines the major features of Jadescript, a scripting language designed to
support agent-oriented programming. The core abstractions that Jadescript provides are …

A description of the Jadescript type system

G Petrosino, E Iotti, S Monica, F Bergenti - Distributed Artificial Intelligence …, 2022 - Springer
Jadescript is an agent-oriented programming language that benefits from JADE, the popular
framework to develop multi-agent systems in Java. The major goal behind the introduction of …

Prototypes of productivity tools for the Jadescript programming language

G Petrosino, E Iotti, S Monica, F Bergenti - CEUR WORKSHOP …, 2021 - iris.unimore.it
Jadescript is an agent-oriented programming language built on top of JADE. So far, the
focus of the development of the language was on design choices, on syntax refinements …

[HTML][HTML] Разработка сетевых агентно-базированных приложений на основе метакомпьютерной технологии

ВИ Волчихин, НС Карамышева… - Известия высших …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Актуальность и цели. Несмотря на то, что к настоящему времени были разработаны
новые масштабируемые архитектуры для распределенных вычислительных систем …

[PDF][PDF] A Review of Agent-Based Programming for Multi-Agent Systems. Computers 2021, 10, 16

RC Cardoso, A Ferrando - 2021 - drive.google.com
Intelligent and autonomous agents is a subarea of symbolic artificial intelligence where
these agents decide, either reactively or proactively, upon a course of action by reasoning …

[PDF][PDF] Overview of a Formal Semantics for the JADEL Programming Language.

F Bergenti, E Iotti, S Monica, A Poggi - WOA, 2017 - academia.edu
This paper outlines a first proposal of a formal semantics for the JADEL programming
language. JADEL is an agent-oriented programming language based on JADE that has …

[PDF][PDF] An agent-oriented programming language for JADE multi-agent systems

E Iotti - 2018 - repository.unipr.it
In this dissertation, a novel approach to program JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment
Framework) agents and Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) is proposed. JADE is a well-known …

[PDF][PDF] A Review of Agent-Based Programming for Multi-Agent Systems

M Purushotham - ijaem.net
Intelligent and independent agents is a subarea of emblematic artificial intelligence where
these agents decide, either reactively or proactively, upon a course of action by logic about …