Fibonacci Cubes have been an extremely popular area of research since the 1990s. This unique compendium features the state of research into Fibonacci Cubes. It expands the …
J Wei, Y Yang - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2022 - Elsevier
The Fibonacci cube Γ n is the subgraph of hypercube Q n induced by the binary strings that contain no two consecutive 1s, and the Lucas cube Λ n is obtained from Γ n by removing …
Ö Eğecioğlu, E Saygı, Z Saygı - International Journal of …, 2021 - World Scientific
We introduce alternate Lucas cubes, a new family of graphs designed as an alternative for the well known Lucas cubes. These interconnection networks are subgraphs of Fibonacci …
The concept of stratified graph introduces some method of knowledge representation (see [Ţăndăreanu, N., Knowledge representation by labeled stratified graphs, Proc. 8th World …
In any network, the diameter is often taken as a measure of efficiency, as it measures the maximum communication delay. The fact that addition or deletion of edges changes the …
Graph theory, a branch of mathematics originated in the 18th century, had its beginning in recreational mathematics problems. But later, it has grown into a significant area of …
The Fibonacci and extended Fibonacci cubes are two topologies used for interconnection networks in distributed systems, inspired by the Fibonacci numbers. The possibility of …
N Romanian - Medical Surgical Journal, 2003 -
April 2012–09.03. 2016 Vice dean, the Faculty of Administration and Public Management Relations with the economic-social environment, relations with other universities and pre …
I Zelina, I Taşcu - Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 2008 - JSTOR
The star graph has been known as an attractive model for interconnection networks due to its topological properties, capacity to simulate other basic network topologies and possibility …