The traditional house is one of the nature reserves that have the characteristics of various regions and must be protected and preserved. This research aimed to explain the species of …
Perbanyakan secara vegetatif tanaman jambu air citra dengan metode stek memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang relatif rendah, sehingga diperlukan ZPT untuk merangsang pertumbuhan …
NA Rokhmah, S Sutardi, I Ikrarwati - Prosiding Seminar Nasional …, 2022 -
Daun kelor menjadi salah satu sayuran fungsional yang memiliki kandungan protein, lemak, karbohidrat, asam amino dan mineral. Perbanyakan melalui teknik stek batang kelor sering …
Manglid is one of the rare local biological resources of forest tree species. Manglid is potential producer of wood for carpentry. The purpose of the research is to know the growth …