We propose a standard time-of-flight experiment as a method for observing the anyonic statistics of quasiholes in a fractional quantum Hall state of ultracold atoms. The quasihole …
We show how spectroscopic experiments on a small Laughlin droplet of rotating bosons can directly demonstrate Haldane fractional exclusion statistics of quasihole excitations. The …
The possibility of realizing bosonic fractional quantum Hall effect in ultracold atomic systems suggests a new route to producing and manipulating anyons, by introducing auxiliary …
The elementary excitations of a fractional quantum Hall liquid are quasiparticles or quasiholes that are neither bosons nor fermions, but are so-called anyons. Here we study …
Engineering topological quantum order has become a major field of physics. Many advances have been made by synthesizing gauge fields in cold atomic systems. Here we …
Strong synthetic magnetic fields have been successfully implemented in periodically driven optical lattices. However, the interplay of the driving and interactions introduces detrimental …
Non-Abelian excitations are an interesting feature of many fractional quantum Hall phases, including those phases described by the Moore-Read (or Pfaffian) wave function. However …
We analyze the role of impurities in the fractional quantum Hall effect using a highly controllable system of ultracold atoms. We investigate the mechanism responsible for the …
We demonstrate the fragility of the bosonic Laughlin state, considering as an example a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. In the presence of a harmonic potential, an additional …