[图书][B] Nests, eggs, and incubation: new ideas about avian reproduction

DC Deeming, SJ Reynolds - 2015 - books.google.com
Incubating new ideas about avian reproduction/SJ Reynolds & DC Deeming--The fossil
record and evolution of avian egg nesting and incubation/DC Deeming--Nest construction …

Evolution of parental activity at the nest is shaped by the risk of nest predation and ambient temperature across bird species

B Matysioková, V Remeš - Evolution, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Incubation is an important component of parental care in birds, and species differ widely in
their incubation rhythm. In this comparative study, we focused on factors responsible for …

The effect of ambient temperature, habitat quality and individual age on incubation behaviour and incubation feeding in a socially monogamous songbird

SM Amininasab, SA Kingma, M Birker… - Behavioral Ecology and …, 2016 - Springer
Incubation is an important aspect of avian life history. The behaviour is energetically costly,
and investment in incubation strategies within species, like female nest attentiveness and …

Daily nest predation rates decrease with body size in passerine birds

M Unzeta, TE Martin, D Sol - The American Naturalist, 2020 - journals.uchicago.edu
Body size evolution is generally framed by the benefits of being large, while costs are largely
overlooked. An important putative cost of being large is the need to extend development …

Faithful females receive more help: the extent of male parental care during incubation in relation to extra‐pair paternity in songbirds

B Matysioková, V Remeš - Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Parental care provided by males occurs in a diverse array of animals and there are large
differences among species in its extent compared with female care. However, social and …

A new synthesis of the molecular systematics and biogeography of honeyeaters (Passeriformes: Meliphagidae) highlights biogeographical and ecological complexity …

L Joseph, A Toon, ÁS Nyári, NW Longmore… - Zoologica …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The passerine family Meliphagidae (the honeyeaters) comprises 175–180 species in 40–50
genera. It is an iconic element of the Australo‐Papuan avifauna and also occurs in …

Chestnut-collared longspurs reduce parental care in the presence of conventional oil and gas development and roads

CS Ng, PG Des Brisay, N Koper - Animal Behaviour, 2019 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic disturbances such as energy extraction may affect numerous behavioural
strategies, including competition for optimal nesting sites and predation risk avoidance …

Incubation in a temperate passerine: do environmental conditions affect incubation period duration and hatching success?

CG Higgott, KL Evans, BJ Hatchwell - Frontiers in Ecology and …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
The timing of breeding often has a profound influence on the reproductive success of birds
living in seasonal environments with rapidly changing nestling food availability. Timing is …

Patterns of female nest attendance and male feeding throughout the incubation period in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus

G Bambini, E Schlicht, B Kempenaers - Ibis, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Most bird species exhibit biparental care, but the type of care provided by each sex may
differ substantially. In particular, during the incubation phase in passerines, females perform …

The importance of having a partner: male help releases females from time limitation during incubation in birds

B Matysioková, V Remeš - Frontiers in Zoology, 2014 - Springer
Introduction Male contribution to parental care varies widely among avian species. Yet the
reasons for this variation, as well as its consequences, are still unclear. Because the amount …