The age of information (AoI) metric was proposed to measure the freshness of messages obtained at the terminal node of a status updating system. In this paper, the AoI of a discrete …
We present the concept of degree of schedulability for mixed-criticality scheduling systems. This concept is given in terms of the two factors 1) Percentage of Missed Deadlines (PoMD) …
Over the years, schedulability of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has mainly been performed by analytical methods. Those techniques are known to be effective but limited to a few …
We define the concept of degree of schedulability to characterize the schedulability and performance of soft real-time systems. The degree of schedulability of a system is given in …
The analysis of probabilistic schedulability explores all possible combinations of the probabilities of task attributes, which can easily lead to exponential computation time [24]. In …
I. RELATED WORK Preemptive real-time schedulers are associated with preemption related overheads, and their effects are challenging to analyze because they typically vary with the …
We define the concept of degree of schedulability to characterize the schedulability and performance of soft real-time systems. The degree of schedulability of a system is given in …
A Co-Simulação oferece grandes benefícios na integração de sistemas ciber-físicos e na análise de comportamento de código, permite que os vários subsistemas ea sua …
Co-Simulation offers great benefits in the integration of cyber-physical systems and code behavior analysis, allowing the various subsystems and their cooperation to be tested …