From stagnation to growth: unified growth theory

O Galor - Handbook of economic growth, 2005 - Elsevier
The transition from stagnation to growth and the associated phenomenon of the great
divergence have been the subject of an intensive research in the growth literature in recent …

Health, human capital, and development

H Bleakley - Annu. Rev. Econ., 2010 -
How much does disease depress development in human capital and income around the
world? I discuss a range of micro evidence, which finds that health is both human capital …

[图书][B] Africa's demographic transition: dividend or disaster?

D Canning, S Raja, AS Yazbeck - 2015 -
Africa is poised on the edge of a potential takeoff to sustained economic growth. This takeoff
can be abetted by a demographic dividend from the changes in population age structure …

[HTML][HTML] Investigating the causal relationships among carbon emissions, economic growth, and life expectancy in Turkey: evidence from time and frequency domain …

H Rjoub, JA Odugbesan, TS Adebayo, WK Wong - Sustainability, 2021 -
It is not a gainsaying that challenges to both healthy living and the environment are the
result of deteriorating environmental quality with the attendant effect on environmental …

Disease and development: the effect of life expectancy on economic growth

D Acemoglu, S Johnson - Journal of political Economy, 2007 -
We exploit the major international health improvements from the 1940s to estimate the effect
of life expectancy on economic performance. We construct predicted mortality using …

Accounting for the effect of health on economic growth

DN Well - The quarterly journal of economics, 2007 -
I use microeconomic estimates of the effect of health on individual outcomes to construct
macroeconomic estimates of the proximate effect of health on GDP per capita. I employ a …

Health and economic growth

DN Weil - Handbook of economic growth, 2014 - Elsevier
This chapter examines the relationship between health and economic growth. Across
countries, income per capita is highly correlated with health, as measured by life expectancy …

Life expectancy and economic growth: the role of the demographic transition

M Cervellati, U Sunde - Journal of economic growth, 2011 - Springer
This paper investigates the hypothesis that the causal effect of life expectancy on income per
capita growth is non-monotonic. This hypothesis follows from the recent literature on unified …

Death and development

P Lorentzen, J McMillan, R Wacziarg - Journal of economic growth, 2008 - Springer
Analyzing a variety of cross-national and sub-national data, we argue that high adult
mortality reduces economic growth by shortening time horizons. Paying careful attention to …

[HTML][HTML] Health and economic growth: Evidence from dynamic panel data of 143 years

R Sharma - PloS one, 2018 -
This paper re-examines health-growth relationship using an unbalanced panel of 17
advanced economies for the period 1870–2013 and employs panel generalised method of …