Hálásan köszönöm mindhárom opponensem bírálatát. Úgy vélem, számomra nagyon kedvezően alakult, hogy az illetékes testületek őket jelölték ki a disszertációm bírálatára …
Based on evidence from multiple infinitival constructions and their parallels with preverb climbing data, the paper argues for a cyclic account of definiteness agreement in Hungarian …
Hungarian infinitival constructions have both mono-clausal and biclausal properties at the same time. The arguments of the infinitive behave the same way as the arguments of the …
As we have seen from these derivations, even complex, seemingly rather different constructions containing infinitival embedded clauses can be analysed in a relatively …
In this book, which is a substantially revised version of my dissertation submitted for the title Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, I am reporting the results of eight years of …
In this talk, I will compare the architectures of four generative models: MP, LFG, HPSG, and GASG (Generative Argument Structure Grammar). The central issue to be addressed will be …
A magyar nyelvben az ige el tti kvantifikált kifejezések hatóköre követi a szórendet, az ige utániakra azonban jellemz a hatóköri többértelm ség. Ezt a jelenséget a HPSG-ben a …
Infinitival clauses contain a nominative DP in their subject positions in a number of languages. This fact raises an obvious question with regard to Case assignment and the UG …
This is highly problematic from the perspective of Universal Grammar, since, according to traditional analyses, nominative case can only be assigned by finite inflection, which is not …