Microstructures and physical properties in carbonate rocks: A comprehensive review

JB Regnet, C David, P Robion, B Menéndez - Marine and Petroleum …, 2019 - Elsevier
Carbonate rocks are well-known to be tremendously heterogeneous. They mainly consist of
component particles (from biological and non-biological origin) embedded in a lime-mud …

A review of the nature and origin of limestone microporosity

MS Hashim, SE Kaczmarek - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019 - Elsevier
Limestone microporosity is ubiquitous and extensively developed in most Phanerozoic
limestones. From an economic perspective, microporosity is important because it contributes …

Predicting permeability of tight carbonates using a hybrid machine learning approach of modified equilibrium optimizer and extreme learning machine

N Kardani, A Bardhan, S Gupta, P Samui, M Nazem… - Acta Geotechnica, 2021 - Springer
It is a problematic task to perform petro-physical property prediction of carbonate reservoir
rocks in most cases, specifically for permeability prediction since a carbonate rock most …

Morphometry of micrite particles in cretaceous microporous limestones of the Middle East: Influence on reservoir properties

MD de Periere, C Durlet, E Vennin, L Lambert… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2011 - Elsevier
Microporosity may account for a significant part of the total porosity of Cretaceous limestone
reservoirs of the Middle East. In these microporous facies porosity is moderate to excellent …

Acoustic properties in travertines and their relation to porosity and pore types

J Soete, LM Kleipool, H Claes, S Claes… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2015 - Elsevier
Sonic velocities of Pleistocene travertines were measured under variable confining
pressures. Combined with petrographical characteristics and petrophysical data, ie porosity …

Using sparse polynomial chaos expansions for the global sensitivity analysis of groundwater lifetime expectancy in a multi-layered hydrogeological model

G Deman, K Konakli, B Sudret, J Kerrou… - Reliability Engineering & …, 2016 - Elsevier
The study makes use of polynomial chaos expansions to compute Sobol׳ indices within the
frame of a global sensitivity analysis of hydro-dispersive parameters in a simplified vertical …

Microstructural controls on reservoir quality in tight oil carbonate reservoir rocks

F Rashid, PWJ Glover, P Lorinczi, D Hussein… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2017 - Elsevier
In carbonate reservoir rocks the complex interaction between the petrophysical properties
corresponds to the various depositional microstructures which are modified by various …

Acoustic and reservoir properties of microporous carbonate rocks: Implication of micrite particle size and morphology

JB Regnet, P Robion, C David, J Fortin… - Journal of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This integrated study provides significant insight into parameters controlling the acoustic and
reservoir properties of microporous limestones, improving the knowledge of the …

Neural network boosted with differential evolution for lithology identification based on well logs information

CM Saporetti, L Goliatt, E Pereira - Earth Science Informatics, 2021 - Springer
Lithology identification of geological beds in the subsurface is fundamental in reservoir
characterization. Recently, automated log analysis has an increasing demand in reservoir …

Geophysical pore type inversion in carbonate reservoir: Integration of cores, well logs, and seismic data (Yadana field, offshore Myanmar)

T Teillet, F Fournier, L Zhao, J Borgomano, F Hong - Geophysics, 2021 - library.seg.org
Detection of pore types and diagenetic features from seismic data is a major challenge for
the evaluation of carbonate reservoirs in the subsurface. Based on a detailed petrographical …