Evaluation of rainfall erosivity in the Western Balkans by mapping and clustering ERA5 reanalysis data

T Micić Ponjiger, T Lukić, RL Wilby, SB Marković… - Atmosphere, 2023 - mdpi.com
The Western Balkans (WB) region is highly prone to water erosion processes, and therefore,
the estimation of rainfall erosivity (R-factor) is essential for understanding the complex …

Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia

T Lukić, MB Gavrilov, SB Marković… - Acta geographica …, 2013 - jakov.kpu.edu.rs
The paper discusses the definitions of natural disasters and recommends the
implementation of definitions and classifications of natural disasters in accordance with …

Anthropogenic impact on erosion intensity: Case study of rural areas of pirot and dimitrovgrad municipalities, Serbia

S Manojlović, M Antić, D Šantić, M Sibinović, I Carević… - Sustainability, 2018 - mdpi.com
In many Eastern European countries, the standard of living increased as a result of the
process of industrialization in the second half of the 20th Century. Consequently, the …

Environmental sensitivity assessment and land degradation in southeastern Serbia: application of modified MEDALUS model

S Miletić, J Beloica, V Perović, P Miljković… - Environmental …, 2023 - Springer
This paper aims to improve the methodology and results accuracy of MEDALUS model for
assessing land degradation sensitivity through the application of different data detail levels …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of soil erosion intensity in Kolubara District, Serbia

S Belanovic, V Perovic, D Vidojevic… - Fresenius Environ …, 2013 - academia.edu
The paper shows spatial estimation of soil loss applying USLE equation in the area of
Kolubara district. Apart from the erosion factor and vegetative cover factor, soil erodibility (K …

Evaluation of rainfall erosivity in the Western Balkans by mapping and clustering ERA5 reanalysis data

TM Ponjiger, T Lukić, R Wilby, SB Marković… - 2023 - repository.lboro.ac.uk
The Western Balkans (WB) region is highly prone to water erosion processes, and therefore,
the estimation of rainfall erosivity (R-factor) is essential for understanding the complex …

Процена потенцијалне ерозије земљишта применом USLE и PESERA модела на подручју слива акумулације Првонек

ВC Перовић - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Губитак земљишта изазван процесом ерозије је озбиљан проблем у Републици
Србији, a процена губитака земљишта као и систем заштите од ерозије представљају …

Geografski faktori kao determinante intenziteta erozije na primeru sliva Nišave

SЕ Mustafić - Универзитет у Београду, 2012 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Erozija zemljišta zauzima sve značajnije mesto u sistemu savremenih geografskih,
geomorfoloških i interdisciplinarnih istraživanja vezanih za probleme životne sredine. Kao …

The Potential Impact of Climate Change and Land Use on Future Soil Erosion, Based on the Example of Southeast Serbia

V Perović, D Čakmak, M Mitrović, P Pavlović - Advances in Understanding …, 2022 - Springer
Soil erosion caused by climate change and changes in land use increases or decreases
depending on the geographic location, climate scenarios, precipitation patterns, topographic …

Хидролошки и псамолошки ефекти противерозионих радова на бујичним подсливовима Јужне Мораве

ЈБ Радоњић - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Предмет ове дисертације јесте идентификација области на којима су изведени
противерозиони радови, у циљу евалуације њихових ефеката на стање ерозије и …