iz∨ ek's work: the tendency to treat aesthetic artifacts as symptoms of the culture in which they were produced. Whether or not one employs the vocabulary and methods of …
This book represents my attempt to comprehend feminism's diverse traditions to as I have encountered them in my reading, writing, and teaching. I began my career exploring ways in …
D Clarke - twentieth-century music, 2007 - cambridge.org
[PART 1] Contemporary musical production and consumption have become increasingly pluralist, seemingly bearing out postmodernist accounts of the eroding distinction between …
iz∨ ek's performances as a speaker, his nondogmatic approach to issues of genre and (inter) mediality, 1 and the “literary” character of his theoretical texts [Laclau, Preface xii], but …
When asked about decolonization and the rights to self-determination of the peoples of the Micronesian islands, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger infamously stated," There are only …
Taking as a point of departure Ernesto Laclau's proposition that populism exposes the logic of the political, I explore how articulation and embodiment work in On Populist Reason. I …
T Brockelman - Continental Philosophy Review, 2008 - Springer
Abstract “Laughing at Finitude” interprets Slavoj Žižek's intellectual project as responding to a challenge left by Being and Time. Setting out from discussions of Heidegger's book in The …
AB Gruettner - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional …, 2022 - revistamutatismutandis.com
El propósito de este texto es examinar la contribución del feminismo en cuanto herramienta crítica de la modernidad, tanto en su versión liberal como comunitarista. Esta revisión …
An essay is presented on the specificity of the character of political judgment. It offers information on the role of subjectivity, freedom and imagination of the political judgment on …