Improving the Motivation of Students in Arabic Language Learning through Learning Management System

MF Fauzi, I Anindiati - Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language …, 2021 -
Learning Arabic language for novice students can be something difficult if they do not have a
right motivation and teachers do not have a good approach. The Attention, Relevance …

Pengembangan komik digital sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab Maharah Qira'ah untuk siswa kelas X MA Almaarif Singosari

MA Izzah, A Ma'sum - JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and …, 2021 -
Pengembangan media komik digital ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum dikembangkannya
media pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab di MA …

Teacher's challenges in implementing HOTS in learning Arabic during Covid-19 pandemic

AW Ritonga, W Wargadinata, N Hasan, BMB Ahmad - 2021 -
HOTS-based Arabic learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era experienced complex problems
because the learning process carried out online had an impact on the implementation of …

Problems and Alternative Solutions for the Implementation of Islamic Education Learning during the Pandemic: A Literature Review

S Biantoro - Progresiva: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Pendidikan …, 2021 -
This study aims to analyze the problems in the implementation of PAI (Islamic Education)
learning, based on the results of preliminary research that the highest percentage of …

Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Implementasi Fundamental Digital Skills dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab bagi Guru IMLA dan Forum MGMP Bahasa Arab Jawa Timur

MF Fauzi, M Fauzan, HIAS Imani, I Anindiati - Tifani: Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 -
Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan serta pendampingan keterampilan
mengajar bahasa Arab abad 21 berbasis platform digital dan artificial intelligence untuk …

Synchronous Learning Model: Innovative Learning Using Saudi Electronic University-Based Learning Management System

M Sobri, FA Pratama, RF Huda… - … : Journal of Arabic …, 2024 -
This research aims to explore the implementation of the Synchronous Learning Model (SLM)
using a Saudi Electronic University (SEU)-based Learning Management System (LMS), the …

The Role of WhatsApp for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers in Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic

I Thoifah - Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan …, 2021 -
This research aims to determine the role of the WhatsApp application in online learning
during COVID-19 pandemic. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The …

Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Teks Bahasa Arab pada Siswa MA dengan Metode SQ3R

M Tichlova, AM Nasih - JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature …, 2021 -
Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan serta hasil belajar metode SQ3R pada
pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa …

معيار التربية وعملية التعلم القياسية لتدريس اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا/Standard of education and learning process for teaching Arabic language in Indonesia

MF Fauzi, I Anindiati, ALI Nada… - … Conference on Arabic …, 2022 -
This article aims to describe the standards of education and learning processes in
Indonesia, especially the learning of the Arabic language. The learning standards used are …

Pelatihan metacognitive memorizing model untuk penguatan pemahaman Bahasa Arab qur'ani bagi penghafal al-Qur'an berbasis chunking digital materials

MF Fauzi, M Fauzan, FK Anam… - PERDIKAN …, 2024 -
Abstrak Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Qur'ani sering terabaikan dalam program-program
hafalan Al-Qur'an, padahal hal ini sangat penting bagi siswa/santri tidak hanya untuk …