The transtheoretical model posits that health behavior change involves progress through six stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and …
Linear structural equation modeling has become an indispensable methodology for specifying, estimating, and testing hypothesized interrelationships among a set of …
An integrative model of change was applied to the study of 872 Ss (mean age 40 yrs) who were changing their smoking habits on their own. Ss represented the following 5 stages of …
This article provides a comprehensive summary of the research on the basic constructs of a model that helps us understand self-initiated and professionally assisted changes of …
Over the past few decades we have witnessed several phases in the development of approaches aimed at ensuring that patients continue therapy for chronic conditions for long …
Adherence to therapies is a primary determinant of treatment success. Poor adherence attenuates optimum clinical benefits and therefore reduces the overall effectiveness of …
This integrative study investigated the generalization of the transtheoretical model across 12 problem behaviors. The cross-sectional comparisons involved relationships between two …
Traditionally smoking cessation studies use smoker and nonsmoker categories almost exclusively to represent individuals quitting smoking. This study tested the transtheoretical …
Хотим мы того или нет, перемены неизбежны. Жизнь сама по себе—изменение, как заметил греческий философ Гераклит более двух с половиной тысяч лет назад …