We propose a notion of alternating bisimulation for strategic abilities under imperfect information. The bisimulation preserves formulas of ATL⁎ for both the objective and …
We view a distributed system as a graph of active locations with unidirectional channels between them, through which they pass messages. In this context, the graph structure of a …
ON Akinyokun - 2020 - minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au
In the developing world, secure and privacy-preserving voter authentication remains one of the main challenges of poll-site election administration. Aside the unavailability of a robust …
This article presents a novel intruder model for automated reasoning about anonymity (vote- privacy) and secrecy properties of voting systems. We adapt the lazy spy for this purpose, as …
Sähköistä äänestämistä on kokeiltu parin vuosikymmenen ajan eri puolilla maailmaa Suomesta Yhdysvaltoihin muutamassa kymmenessä maassa. Sähköisiä äänestyksiä on …
We propose a notion of alternating bisimulation for strategic abilities under imperfect information. The bisimulation preserves formulas of ATL for both the objective and subjective …