This book offers a clear, up-to-date, comprehensive, and theoretically informed introduction to criminal psychology, exploring how psychological explanations and approaches can be …
Child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse, which as a broad category includes various forms of offenses toward children (both online and offline), such as commercial …
This book is designed to support final-year students in psychology who are taking modules in criminal psychology. It would also be appropriate for postgraduate students in forensic …
ÁAGR Zilki, AC Resende - … Psicologia: Teoria e …, 2022 -
O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a periculosidade e as características de personalidade de autores de violência sexual (AVS). Participaram deste estudo 69 reeducandos que …
M Pérez-Serrano… - Behavior & Law …, 2023 -
En el presente estudio se valoró la situación psicológica actual de agentes de la Policía Judicial de la Guardia Civil que investigan crímenes relacionados con la explotación sexual …
U Lampalzer, S Tozdan, F von Franqué… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
In Germany, several treatment programs offer psychotherapy for individuals with a sexual interest in minors (SIM) who are currently not in contact with the criminal justice system. The …
FZ Memar, T Farajkhoda - Current Psychosomatic Research, 2022 -
Results: The consequences of deviant behaviors of paraphilia in child and adolescent victims include various sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy, obstetric …
СМ Левин - Российский юридический журнал, 2018 -
Преступления против половой неприкосновенности лиц, не достигших возраста согласия, ассоциируются у многих людей с расстройством сексуального предпочтения …
Nettovergrep er et voksende samfunnsproblem som påvirkes av de stereotypiske oppfatninger om nettovergripere i samfunnet. Denne oppgaven hadde som mål å undersøke …