The Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science contains 350 alphabetically arranged entries. The topics include cave and karst geoscience, cave archaeology and human use of caves …
This book, the first in a new series by the National Cave and Karst Research Institute, draws on international examples and the international experience of author Dr. Alexander …
Certain caves formed by dissolution of bedrock have maze patterns composed of closed loops in which many intersecting fractures or pores have enlarged simultaneously. Their …
We report the discovery of a new type of hominin site in the Levant, inhabited during MIS 6– 5. The site, found within a karst depression at Nesher Ramla, Israel, provides novel …
A Klimchouk - Encyclopedia of caves, 2019 - Elsevier
Recognition of the cave development at depth below the near-surface environment, largely during mesogenesis by processes not directly related to the surface, signifies a major …
We investigated the upper and lower vertical limits of the distribution of inhabitants of the most abundant freshwater habitat—groundwater. Distribution in photic habitats is limited by …
Recognition of the wide occurrence, significance, and specific characteristics of hypogene speleogenesis during last two decades signifies a major paradigm shift in karst science …
P Audra, JY Bigot, L Mocochain - Acta carsologica, 2002 -
Članek obravnava razvoj jam Adaouste in Champignons v francoski Provansi. Nove raziskave kažejo, da jami ni oblikovala meteorna voda, pač pa voda, ki je v arteških pogojih …
It is proposed that a geothermal artesian karstic system at the central part of the Yarkon– Taninim aquifer creates the 'Ayalon Saline Anomaly'(ASA), whose mechanism has been …