This thesis explores how democratic practice is enacted by non-governmental organisation practitioners in a country in transition and seeks to unpack the embodied experiences of …
Recent academic interest in politics and democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has focused on the country's complex system of government and weak central institutions …
This article traces the intersection within biopolitical thought of immunity/autoimmunity and race/racism, bringing Foucault's biopolitics to bear on the ongoing family separation crisis in …
For nearly three decades democracy seemed to be unquestioned and unquestionable. The Fukuyaman post-political and post-history framework dominated social theory and …
Despite its commitment to the reduction and transformation of various types of violence, the field of peacebuilding largely relies upon Westernized forms of knowledge that exclude …
Det siste tiåret har samisk kunst fått økt oppmerksomhet etter en lengre periode med stillhet fra pressen, og mye av kunsten som lages i dag har et tydelig politisk budskap. Tematikken i …
This chapter wants to argue why we need the theoretical rubric called 'postcolonialism'while talking of politics of resistance in India in particular and South Asia in general. In doing that it …
This study examines the potential for contemporary visual art to reinvigorate democracy in 21st century Nairobi, Kenya, through an interdisciplinary investigation. The new millennium …