Stjórnendaleit: Hlutverk og ábyrgð ráðgjafa í ráðningarferli forstjóra

ÞH Christiansen, ÁD Óladóttir… - Tímarit um viðskipti og …, 2024 -
Kynjahalli í æðstu stjórnunarstöðum hefur verið viðvarandi á íslenskum vinnumarkaði.
Ráðningarferli forstjóra hafa verið gagnrýnd og bent á að gefa þurfi gaum að hlut ráðgjafa í …

How Does Rudeness Poison Groups? The Bottom-up Evolution of Workplace Incivility

A Zhou - 2024 -
Studies find that the effects of incivility are often short-lived as individuals “get over it”. They
ignore the potential for incivility to poison groups over the longer term, harming others …

Why do Women Lawyers in Hong Kong Leave Global Law Firms? An investigation into the factors that affect and influence women lawyers in Hong Kong to leave …

F Aslam - 2024 -
“Despite the rapid change in the gender composition of the legal profession the seeds of
invidiousness continue to cling to the feminine, particularly in relation to authoritative …