The Short Life and Resurrection of SEC Rule 19c-4

SM Bainbridge - Wash. ULQ, 1991 - HeinOnline
Shares of common stock represent a bundle of ownership interests: a set of economic fights,
such as the right to receive dividends declared by the board of directors; and the right to vote …

Politics, Bureaucracies, and Financial Markets: Bank Entry into Commercial Paper Underwriting in the United States and Japan

DG Litt, JR Macey, GP Miller, EL Rubin - University of Pennsylvania Law …, 1990 - JSTOR
(discussing the phenomenon of takeovers inJapan and considering these implications as
they pertain to the American experience); Ramseyer, Water Law in ImperialJapan: Public …

[图书][B] Securities activities of banks

ML Fein - 2011 -
The Fourth Edition of a leading resource in the field, this valuable practice tool brings you
completely up-to-date on the evolving laws governing banks' securities activities-from …

[图书][B] Federal bank holding company law

PB Heller, M Fein - 1997 -
Covers several aspects of bank holding companies, from permissible activities through
operations. This book addresses such significant subjects as the Federal Reserve Board's …

Subtle Hazards, Financial Risks, and Diversified Banks: An Essay on the Perils of Regulatory Reform

HA Garten - Md. L. Rev., 1990 - HeinOnline
Deregulation has put proponents of business regulation on the defensive. Today, economic
regulation must be justified by reference to convincing evidence of dysfunction in …

An orderly liquidation authority is not the solution to too-big-to-fail

RS Karmel - Brook. J. Corp. Fin. & Com. L., 2011 - HeinOnline
The preamble to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-
Frank) declares that one of the statute's primary purposes is" to end'too big to fail', to protect …

Ongoing Process of International Bank Regulatory and Supervisory Convergence: A New Regulatory-Market Partnership

JJ Norton, CD Olive - Ann. Rev. Banking L., 1997 - HeinOnline
This article is designed to highlight the inextricable linkages between the international
financial private and public sectors, and the needs for, but difficulties posed by, regulatory …

Devolution and Deregulation: The Paradox of Financial Reform

HA Garten - Yale L. & Pol'y Rev., 1996 - HeinOnline
In most areas of economic regulation, the movement toward greater state autonomy has
been associated with deregulation both as a theoretical and as a political matter. In theory …

Why Congress Must Amend Glass-Steagall: Recent Trends in Breaching the Wall Separating Commercial and Investment Banking

EJ Markey - New Eng. L. Rev., 1990 - HeinOnline
When the Glass-Steagall Act'was passed in 1933, it was envisioned that the commercial and
investment banking industries were neatly divisible. Certainly, the degree to which the …

The Commercial Banking-Related Activities of Investment Banks and Other Non-Banks

DM Eaton - Emory LJ, 1995 - HeinOnline
The laws regulating the division of power and responsibility among American financial
institutions are not highly dynamic. The businesses they propose to govern are. Particularly …