Dynamic directed acyclic graph (dag) topology reporting

N Agarwal, JP Vasseur, VN Achar - US Patent App. 12/790,028, 2011 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND [0003] Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs), eg, sen sor networks, have
a myriad of applications, such as Smart Grid and Smart Cities. Various challenges are …

System and method for digital communication between computing devices

J Perdomo - US Patent 9,756,549, 2017 - Google Patents
Primary Examiner—Steven H Nguyen Assistant Examiner—Jeremy Costin (74) Attorney,
Agent, or Firm—Steven M. Hoffberg, Esq.; Ostrolenk Faber LLP (57) ABSTRACT A wireless …

System and method for digital communication between computing devices

J Perdomo - US Patent 10,015,720, 2018 - Google Patents
A communication system and method which receive and stores an identifier; mode, an
outbound message; and transmits a modified version received inbound message. The …

Centralized predictive routing using delay predictability measurements

JP Vasseur, G Mermoud, D Bouchacourt - US Patent 9,736,056, 2017 - Google Patents
In one embodiment, a central device receives a routing strategy instruction that specifies a
predictability threshold for communication delays in the network. The device estimates …

Multi-hop reflector sessions

H Nydell - US Patent 9,960,982, 2018 - Google Patents
A method for measuring and reporting performance parameters in a network having at least
one originator for generating test protocol data units, and multiple reflectors for relaying the …

Duplicating traffic along local detours before path remerge to increase packet delivery

JP Vasseur, JW Hui, AB Mahamuni - US Patent 9,444,727, 2016 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs), eg, sensor networks, have a
myriad of applications, such as SmartGrid and Smart Cities. Various challenges are …

System and method for digital communication between computing devices

J Perdomo - US Patent 10,602,424, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A wireless communication device, comprising radio fre quency transceivers
which transmit outbound messages to targeted receivers, and receive the inbound …

Dynamic expelling of child nodes in directed acyclic graphs in a computer network

JP Vasseur, S Shaffer - US Patent 8,503,309, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A parent node in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in a com puter network
may detect congestion from its child nodes. In response, the parent node may determine …

Obtaining data reception parameters on-demand in a multiple interface network

JW Hui, W Hong, JP Vasseur - US Patent 9,549,363, 2017 - Google Patents
In a multi-PHY, low power and lossy network comprising a plurality of nodes, a sender
determines that a dwell time threshold limit for transmission of data will be exceeded by …

Network traffic shaping for low power and lossy networks

JW Hui, W Hong, J Paek, JP Vasseur - US Patent 10,097,469, 2018 - Google Patents
In one embodiment, data packet messages are received in a Field Area Router (FAR) sent
from one or more sources toward one or more destination devices in a Low-Power Lossy …