Quantum random sampling is the leading proposal for demonstrating a computational advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
Entangling microwave-frequency superconducting quantum processors through optical light at ambient temperature would enable means of secure communication and distributed …
The aim of this review is to provide quantum engineers with an introductory guide to the central concepts and challenges in the rapidly accelerating field of superconducting …
The promise of quantum computers is that certain computational tasks might be executed exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical processor 1. A fundamental …
Quantum computers have made extraordinary progress over the past decade, and significant milestones have been achieved along the path of pursuing universal fault-tolerant …
The performance of a wide range of quantum computing algorithms and protocols depends critically on the fidelity and speed of the employed qubit readout. Examples include gate …
Future fault-tolerant quantum computers will require storing and processing quantum data in logical qubits. Here we realize a suite of logical operations on a distance-2 surface code …
The storage and processing of quantum information are susceptible to external noise, resulting in computational errors. A powerful method to suppress these effects is quantum …
The duration and fidelity of qubit readout are critical factors for applications in quantum- information processing as they limit the fidelity of algorithms which reuse qubits after …