K Matin - European Journal of International Relations, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
This article investigates the limits of postcolonial International Relations' anti-Eurocentrism through an interrogation of its ambivalent relation with the category of 'the universal.'It …
The history of the modern social sciences can be seen as a series of attempts to confront the challenges of social disorder and revolution wrought by the international expansion of …
Cette introduction à la sociologie historique constitue une somme unique en langue française sur les traditions, trajectoires et débats au cœur des développements de ce champ …
A Moldovan - Globalizations, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the political-economic outgrowth of Brazilian capitalism in the global south after the outset of the global financial crisis. In analysing the public-sector finance …
K Matin - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2013 - Springer
Eurocentric approaches to political Islam tend to deploy an internalist methodology that theoretically obscures the generative and constitutive role of international relations. This …
The will to improve through urban reform has a long and troubled history in Iran, enduring continuities from the first attempts at modernization in the Constitution Revolution (1906 …
S Rostampour - Genre, sexualité & société, 2023 - journals.openedition.org
Cet article a pour objectif de restituer les hiérarchies à l'œuvre dans les mouvements féministes en Iran entre 1990 et 2017, en mettant la focale sur les rapports sociaux de …
M Niblett - Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development, 2019 - brill.com
'Many a ridiculous thing concerning the interior of Guiana has been propagatedandreceivedastrue, merelybecausesixorsevenIndians, questionedseparately …
TH Khan - Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
There are two types of premises discussing the relationship between democracy and capitalism. First, capitalism and democracy are interrelated since both ideologies protect the …