There is a substantial literature on noncompete agreements and their adverse impact on employee mobility and innovation. But a far more common restraint in employment contracts …
The US Supreme Court is famously the nation's top appellate court, but Article III also makes the Court a trial court, giving it original jurisdiction over several categories of cases. One of …
When someone successfully sues a federal executive branch official for violating federal law, the federal court's remedy, which can be a nationwide national government injunction …
Recent years have seen a substantial increase in the number of cases in which states sue the federal government seeking nationwide injunctions, and in which courts award such …
B Mank, ME Solimine - Notre Dame L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
Two controversies currently roiling the federal courts and federal courts scholarship are whether and to what extent states have standing as plaintiffs in federal court, and when, if …
The conventional account of most US environmental regulation goes something like this: cooperative federalism schemes accommodate state and federal interests while tapping into …
When should states have standing? In recent years, there has been an explosion in literature on that question.'Yet, even today, there seem to be as many questions as answers …
Whether states have Article III standing is a question that has in recent years induced a puzzling and nonstandard patterning of votes amongst the Justices of the Supreme Court. It …
FA Hessick - Notre Dame L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
Government power is divided between the states and federal government. States have general government authority within their borders, while the federal government has only …