A Saudi - Commed: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media, 2021 - scholar.archive.org
The development of technology and information has influenced the formation of a digital society in the current era of globalization and has become the basis for changing …
AYU Dewantoro - Jurnal ilmu perpustakaan, 2016 - ejournal3.undip.ac.id
Pengaruh teknologi informasi saat ini sangatlah penting terutama terhadap penulisan ilmiah di kalangan mahasiswa, salah satu bukti nyata pemanfaatan teknologi informasi bagi karya …
This study describes about Indonesian Diplomacy for UNESCO PatenÄôs Saman Dance. It has already been fact to be forced by every nation and state. Nowadays, threat comes from …
This research analyze about Indonesian Diplomacy by Wonderful Indonesia Campaign to increase Indonesia tourism sector in international world, especially during 2011-2015. One …