Phytosociological research in Morocco began to get great importance in the middle of the last century. Since then, numerous studies (publications, thesis, etc.) have been carried out …
AVP Latorre, AG de Mera, P Navas, D Navas… - Acta Botanica …, 1999 -
Se ha realizado un estudio de la flora, vegetación y paisaje vegetal del Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, situado en las provincias de Cádiz y Málaga (SW de la Península Ibérica …
This monograph begins by discussing the origin of the name Bromus and its history, the nomenclatural type of Bromus, taxa described within the genus (generic segregates and …
A study was made of grasslands in olive groves with a high frequency of Hordeum leporinum Link, Chrysanthemum coronarium L., Malva neglecta Wallr., Aegilops geniculata …
Some data concerning the annual sub-nitrophilous vegetation widespread in western and south-western Umbria are presented. From a bioclimatic point of view, the analysed areas …
B Foucault - Le Journal de Botanique, 2012 -
Contribution au prodrome des végétations de France : les Sisymbrietea officinalis Kornek 1974 - Persée Saut au contenu fren Persée Portail Persée Perséides Data Persée Blog …
R Tamajón, R Pinilla, JM Muñoz - Studia Botanica, 1999 -
RESUMEN: Se describen dos nuevas asociaciones pertenecientes a la clase fitosociológica Stellarietea mediae, del noroeste de la provincia de Córdoba (Andalucía Occidental) …
A Galán de Mera, U Deil, JA Vicente Orellana… - 2004 -
Roadside vegetation was studied on field paths and along road verges outside settlements on both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar. 180 phytosociological relevés have been sampled in …
S Brullo, A Cormaci, R Guarino, C Musarella - Annali di Botanica, 2007 -
A syntaxonomical scheme, including geographical range and synonymies of all the associations ascribed to Geranio-Cardaminetalia hirsutae, is presented. This order, framed …