[引用][C] Cognitive Systems and the Extended Mind

RD Rupert - 2009 - books.google.com
Page 1 OXFORD Robert D. Rupert Cognitive Systems and the Extended Mind Page 2 Cognitive
Systems and the Extended Mind Page 3 PHILOSOPHY OF MIND SERIES EDITOR David J …

[图书][B] Articulating the world: Conceptual understanding and the scientific image

J Rouse - 2019 - degruyter.com
Naturalism as a guiding philosophy for modern science both disavows any appeal to the
supernatural or anything else transcendent to nature, and repudiates any philosophical or …

Philosophy of the Brain

G Northoff - 2004 - torrossa.com
Philosophy of the Brain Page 1 Philosophy of the Brain A dvances in C onsciousness R esearch
John Benjamins Publishing Company 52 Georg Northof Page 2 Philosophy of the Brain Page 3 …

Closing the gap? Some questions for neurophenomenology

T Bayne - Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 2004 - Springer
In his 1996 paper “Neurophenomenology: A methodological remedy for the hard problem,”
Francisco Varela called for a union of Husserlian phenomenology and cognitive science …

Naturalizing what? Varieties of naturalism and transcendental phenomenology

MJD Ramstead - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2015 - Springer
This paper aims to address the relevance of the natural sciences for transcendental
phenomenology, that is, the issue of naturalism. The first section distinguishes three …

[PDF][PDF] Heroic intelligence: The hero's journey as an evolutionary and existential blueprint

O Efthimiou, ZE Franco - Journal of Genius and Eminence, 2017 - researchgate.net
This article revisits the hero's journey–and heroic behaviour as understood in its emerging
contemporary conceptualisations–as a seat of intelligence across the biological …

Empirical and phenomenological studies of embodied cognition

D Morris - Handbook of phenomenology and cognitive science, 2010 - Springer
The first grand wave of twentieth century cognitive science and philosophy of mind sought
and still seeks to show how, contra Cartesian dualism, cognition is materialized in the brain …

[图书][B] Psychomythics: Sources of artifacts and misconceptions in scientific psychology

WR Uttal - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Psychology deals with the most complex subject matter of any science. As such, it is subject
to misunderstandings, artifacts, and just simple errors of data, logic, and interpretation. This …

[PDF][PDF] The module mistake

GC Van Orden, H Kloos - Cortex, 2003 - academia.edu
Consider another remarkable case. Broca's patient Tan could only repeat the “syllable”/tan/.
Tan's deficit dissociated/tan/production from production of the rest of language. Why then …

Sculpting the space of actions. Explaining human action by integrating intentions and mechanisms

M Keestra - 2014 - philpapers.org
How can we explain the intentional nature of an expert's actions, performed without
immediate and conscious control, relying instead on automatic cognitive processes? How …