Sivil apartman mimarisindeki olgu ve dönüşümler, bir kentin barınma kültür tarihini oluşturan ve anlamlandıran katmalardan biridir. Konut bağlamındaki tarihsel eğilimleri ortaya koyduğu …
Korumalı yerleşimler, geliştirici firmaların pazarlama stratejilerine bağlı olarak, Türkiye'de konut sektörünün vazgeçilmez bir üretim biçimi haline gelmiştir. 1980'lerden sonra gelişen …
ÜS Demirbaş, T Zorlu - Tasarim+ Kuram, 2024 -
Housing, as a physical space, is a phenomenon that carries psychological, social and cultural meanings beyond the need for shelter. The home plays an important role in the life …
The transformation of historic houses into house museums is not only a current issue within the field of museology, but also a new phenomenon for architecture. The deconstruction of …
İnsanın en temel ihtiyaçlarından olan konut olgusu, tarihsel süreç içerisinde meydana gelen fiziksel, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve politik değişim ve dönüşümlerle birlikte farklı anlamlar …
O Islamoglu, G Usta - International Journal of Academic Research, 2014 -
The migrations since 1950, has been revealed dwelling problem more seen in big cities. To solve this revealed dwelling problem, housing application has been started by Emlak Bank …
Housing is one of the most common application areas of the discipline of architecture with its various types in our country as well as in the world. However, access to housing, which …
This thesis aims to analyze the formation of workers' housing question at manpower, topographical, morphological and habitual scales with regard to the ideological, political …
ASOS YAYINEVİ Page 2 6th International Symposium on Academic Studies in Educational and Social Sciences June 13-15, 2019, Ankara, Turkey PROCEEDING BOOK (SOCIAL …