Bridging academic disciplines with interdisciplinary project-based learning: Challenges and opportunities

M Warr, RE West - Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based …, 2020 -
This article describes the implementation of an interdisciplinary design studio as a means to
teach creative problem-solving through project-based learning." Learning and Innovation …

The effect of problem-based learning on the creative thinking and critical thinking disposition of students in visual arts education

K Ulger - Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 2018 -
The problem-based learning (PBL) approach was implemented as a treatment for higher
education visual arts students over one semester to examine its effect on the creative …

Design studio practice in the context of architectural education: A narrative literature review

U Hettithanthri, P Hansen - … Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2022 - Springer
This review aims to synthesize the current knowledge on the conventional design studio
context. This is a narrative literature review based on articles published within the last ten …

[图书][B] Art and design pedagogy in higher education: Knowledge, values and ambiguity in the creative curriculum

S Orr, A Shreeve - 2017 -
Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher Education provides a contemporary volume that offers a
scholarly perspective on tertiary level art and design education. Providing a theoretical lens …

If you build it, will they come? Student preferences for Makerspace environments in higher education

MM Hynes, WJ Hynes - International Journal of Technology and Design …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract The Maker Movement inspires people to express their creativity by making things in
a self-directed and, often, collaborative learning endeavor. The excitement of the movement …

The “right kind of telling”: Knowledge building in the academic design studio

K Cennamo, C Brandt - Educational technology research and …, 2012 - Springer
Studio-based instruction, as traditionally enacted in design disciplines such as architecture,
product design, graphic design, and the like, consists of dedicated desk space for each …

[图书][B] Instrumente des strategischen Managements: Grundlagen und Anwendung

H Paul, V Wollny - 2020 -
Für das strategische Management stehen zahlreiche Instrumente für die Analyse, die
Entwicklung und die Umsetzung von Strategien zur Verfügung. Das Buch behandelt die …

Reprioritizing the relationship between HCI research and practice: bubble-up and trickle-down effects

CM Gray, E Stolterman, MA Siegel - Proceedings of the 2014 conference …, 2014 -
There has been an ongoing conversation about the role and relationship of theory and
practice in the HCI community. This paper explores this relationship privileging a practice …

Facilitating epistemic fluency through design thinking: a strategy for the broader application of studio pedagogy within higher education

R McLaughlan, JM Lodge - Teaching in Higher Education, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Tomorrow's professionals will require an enhanced capacity for collaboration, cooperation
and creative thinking. Markauskaite and Goodyear (Markauskaite, L., and P. Goodyear …

Informal peer critique and the negotiation of habitus in a design studio

CM Gray - Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 2013 -
Critique is a central feature of design education, serving as both a structural mechanism to
provide regular feedback, and as a high stakes assessment tool. However, this study …