Recognising and respecting the human rights of persons with disabilities constitutes an integral element of a democratic society. This caveat has been long articulated in health …
Aim To examine and describe disciplinary discourses conducted through professional policy and regulatory documents in nursing and midwifery in Ireland. Background A key tenet of …
This book has been written for nursing students undertaking a degree, no matter what area of nursing practice you are thinking of going into. While the book is primarily aimed at …
Nursing is possible owing to a series of intricate systemic relations. Building on an established tradition of sociological research, we critically analysed the nursing profession …
RA Ayala, ER Núñez - Nursing Inquiry, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Histories of nursing that disregard their linkage to broader historical movements often lead to historically detached versions of nursing identity that omit the perspective of their sources …
As part of a senior leadership class in an undergraduate baccalaureate nursing program in the northeastern United States, we conducted an experiential, theater-based workshop …
Discourse analysis is an area of social linguistics, which can advance social theory in the direction of language. Public health nurses are to perform health promotion and disease …
In a complex and rapidly evolving world, student nurses and other health professionals must be flexible, adaptive and creative. Inclusive and systemic perspectives are necessary to …
Formålet med denne studien har vært å utforske hva som fremmer og hva hemmer deltagelse i profesjonsutdanninger for personer med funksjonsnedsettelse. Studien ble …