Animal cognition research aims to understand animal minds by using a diverse range of methods across an equally diverse range of species. Throughout its history, the field has …
EC Tecwyn - Journal of comparative psychology, 2021 -
Unlike some other areas of psychology that have experienced a “reproducibility crisis,” the extent to which research findings in comparative psychology are reliable is only just …
Replications are widely considered an essential tool to evaluate scientific claims. However, many fields have recently reported that replication rates are low and-when they are …
Comparative cognition is the study of cognition across the tree of life. Nonhuman animals (hereafter animals) display a broad and often surprising range of cognitive abilities. Kea (a …
Scientists often respond to failures to replicate by citing differences between the experimental components of an original study and those of its attempted replication. In this …
Abstract Edouard Machery's article “What is Replication?” deserves particular critical attention. For if it is correct, his Resampling Account of Replication has the power to reshape …
Animal minds are complex and diverse, making them difficult to study. This Element focuses on a question that has received much attention in the field of comparative cognition:'Do …
Replication is an important tool used to test and develop scientific theories. Areas of biomedical and psychological research have experienced a replication crisis, in which many …
In this thesis I explore the extent to which researchers of animal cognition should be concerned about the reliability of its scientific results and the presence of theoretical biases …