Ș Vlăduțescu - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2014 - ceeol.com
The study starts from the identification of the discourses and conversations ongoing existence of two ways of communication processes. On the one hand, some processes are …
Ş Vlăduţescu - International Journal of Education and Research, 2008 - ijern.com
The study realizes a meta-analysis of knowledge about the flow personal relationship/social relationship/social network. The organization of conceptual knowledge and the cogitation on …
Ș Vlăduțescu - Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria Ştiinţe …, 2014 - ceeol.com
The article explores the elements of the communication situation and highlights the importance of the employed verbal code. Using the meta-analytical method and the …
Evoluţia şi dezvoltarea societăţii umane, a noilor teorii ştiinţifice şi a tehnologiei informaţiei au dus la modificări importante, transformări controlate şi adaptative asupra domeniului …
Ș Vlăduțescu - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2014 - ceeol.com
The study is part of the contemporary effort of scanning and philosophical-epistemological exploration of valuable research of the history of philosophy and the philosophy of history …
EM Ciupercă - Romanian Intelligence Studies Review, 2011 - ceeol.com
In an extremely fragmented and divided postmodern age, as the contemporary one is, the narrowness of mind and the inertia of thoughts, accepted in another century, may be …
TO TROPOTEI, I DEAC - Romanian Intelligence Studies …, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
Academic studies in the sphere of intelligence have been fueled by the need to provide a scientific basis for the knowledge and foresight of the processes, activities and products …
TO Tropotei, I Deac - Romanian Intel. Stud. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
Academic studies in the sphere of intelligence have been fueled by the need to provide a scientific basis for the knowledge and foresight of the processes, activities and products …
EM Ciuperca - Romanian Intel. Stud. Rev., 2011 - HeinOnline
In an extremely fragmented and divided postmodern age, as the contemporary one is, the narrowness of mind and the inertia of thoughts, accepted in another century, may be …