'Terra deserta': Population, politics, and the [de] colonization of Dacia

L Ellis - World Archaeology, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
This article explores the demographic history of Dacia/Romania during and after Roman
colonization as a study in the effects of colonialism and de‐colonization in the core area vs …

Bucket-shaped pendants from the Sarmatae environment. A few notes on the origin, dating and use of these amulets in the Barbarian world

V Bârcă - Cercetări Arheologice, 2021 - ceeol.com
Bucket-shaped pendants were broadly diffused in various cultural environments from the
area comprised between the north-east of the Black Sea and Central Europe. This study …

The Sarmatian Mirror with Tamgas from the Settlement of Sebeș-“Podul Pripocului”(Alba county, Romania): 50 years later

V Bârcă - Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2021 - ceeol.com
The article discusses the mirror discovered in 1967 following the archaeological excavations
conducted in the Sebeș-“Podul Pripocului” settlement (Alba county/RO), dated to the 3rd …

Notes on the use, dating and origin of the bucket-shaped pendants from the Sarmatian environment of the Great Hungarian Plain

V Bârcă - Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2018 - ceeol.com
Bucket-shaped pendants were widely spread in various cultural environments from the
Roman imperial period, in the area comprised between the north of the Black Sea and …

[PDF][PDF] Descoperiri monetare din Moldova. XII

L Munteanu, LE Istina, A Coşa - Arheologia Moldovei, 2020 - journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de
The coins we publish have been discovered in the last two years, with the help of metal
detectors. They come from the following locations: I. Buhuși (Bacău County)(1 D, Hadrianus …

A Roman fibula recently discovered in Rădoaia (Sângerei district) in the context of the spread of profiled fibulae in the Pruto-Dnistrian space

V Vornic, S Matveev - Cercetari Arheologice, 2024 - ibn.idsi.md
In 2020, several archaeological pieces discovered by a local citizen in various locations
around the village of Rădoaia (Sângerei district, Republic of Moldova) were transferred to …

[PDF][PDF] Descoperiri întâmplătoare specifice culturii Sântana de Mureș‑Černeachov în nord‑vestul județului Galați (I)

P Ciubotaru - Acta Musei Tutovensis XI, 2015 - biblioteca-digitala.ro
Colecţia arheologică a Muzeului de Istorie „Teodor Cincu" din Tecuci cuprinde numeroase
bunuri culturale descoperite întâmplător în municipiul Tecuci şi în zonele apropiate, cu …

[PDF][PDF] O fibulă romană descoperită recent la Rădoaia (r-nul Sângerei) în contextul răspândirii fibulelor profilate în spaŢiul pruto-nistrean1

V VORNIC, S MATVEEV - researchgate.net
În anul 2020, în colecțiile Muzeului de Istorie și Etnografie Sângerei au fost transmise mai
multe piese arheologice descoperite de un localnic în diferite puncte din împrejurimile …

Contributions to the knowledge of Militari-Chilia culture. Recent archaeological research at Bucharest-Militari Boja Field.

M Negru - Annales d'Université'Valahia'Târgoviste. Section …, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
The purpose of this article is to bring new information on the Militari-Chilia culture, attributed
to the Getae of Wallachia in the 2nd-4th centuries AD. The study refers to the preventive …


The study shows six fibulae that were discovered, using a metal detector, in the locality of
Drăgești (Bacău County). The fibulae are divided into five categories: Carpic‑type fibulae …