Dialogue systems deliver a more natural mean of communication between humans and machines when compared to traditional systems. Beyond input/output components that …
Recently, the D3WA system was proposed as a paradigm shift in how complex goal-oriented dialogue agents can be specified by taking a declarative view of design. However, it turns …
Business process automation is a booming multi-billion-dollar industry that promises to remove menial tasks from workers' plates--through the introduction of autonomous agents …
This paper builds on recent work in the declarative design of dialogue agents and proposes an exciting new tool–D3BA (Declarative Design for Digital Business Automation)–to …
With easy availability of large data sets online, like product catalogs and open data, a common business problem is to allow users to search them for information using natural …
Foundation Models (FMs) have revolutionized many areas of computing, including Automated Planning and Scheduling (APS). For example, a recent study found them useful …
Recommender systems are used with increasing frequency in a wide variety of domains ranging from e-commerce to tourism, healthcare and online learning. However, the …
Chatbots, the common moniker for collaborative assistants, are Artificial Intelligence (AI) software that enables people to naturally interact with them to get tasks done. Although …
The Web contains many APIs that could be combined in countless ways to enable Intelligent Assistants to complete all sorts of tasks. We propose a method to automatically produce task …