The main objective of an Adaptive Optics (AO) system is to correct the aberrations produced in the received wavefronts, caused by atmospheric turbulence. From some measures taken …
Adaptive optics (AO) is one of the most relevant systems for ground-based telescopes image correction. AO is characterized by demanding computational systems that must be able to …
Aberrations are presented in the wave-front images from celestial objects taken with large ground-based telescopes, due to the effects of the atmospheric turbulence. Therefore …
La presente tesis versa sobre el trabajo y estudio realizado, en el ámbito de la viabilidad del uso de las redes neuronales, como sistemas reconstructores en diferentes configuraciones …
La atmósfera es una capa de gas que envuelve a la Tierra y es la responsable de que sea posible albergar vida en el planeta. Los distintos gases que la componen como el oxıgeno …