Analysis of suitability and carrying capacity of mangrove ecosystem for ecotourism in Lembar Village, West Lombok District, Indonesia

S Abdillah, N Harahab, M Primyastanto… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2020 -
Sukuryadi, Harahab N, Primyastanto M, Semedi B. 2020. Analysis of suitability and carrying
capacity of mangrove ecosystem for ecotourism in Lembar Village, West Lombok District …

Potensi Buah Mangrove (Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza) Dan Ikan Tembakul (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Pembuatan Kaki Naga Ikan

TA Wibowo, DS Untari - Jurnal Lemuru, 2023 -
Pangan merupakan kebutuhan yang penting bagi manusia untuk bertahan hidup. Namun
kenyataannya, masyarakat terutama yang tinggal di wilayah pesisir sebagian besar masuk …

Food habits of three species of mudskippers in the Musi River Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia

MR Ridho, E Patriono, M Solikha - Biodiversitas Journal of Biological …, 2019 -
Ridho MR, Patriono E, Sholikah M. 2019. Food habits of three species of mudskippers in the
Musi River Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 2368-2374. This study …

Studi keanekaragaman ikan gelodok (Famili: Gobiidae) pada muara Sungai Maro dan kawasan mangrove Pantai Kembapi, Merauke

MR Maturbongs, S Elviana, S Sunarni, D deFretes - Depik, 2018 -
Mudskipper is one species of fish that lives in the estuary area and they have adaptations to
two different habitats. The aims of the study was determine the species composition …

Study of environmental conditions, morphometric and meristic of mudskipper (Periophthalmus) from Ambon Island coastal waters, Indonesia

D Rumahlatu, K Sangur, AP Leuwol… - Indian Journal of …, 2020 -
The aim of this study was to determine the condition of the aquatic environment,
morphometric and meristic of mudskippers from the coast al waters of Ambon Island. The …

Keragaman Ikan di Perairan Ekosistem Mangrove Desa Karangsong, Kabupaten Indramayu

H Setiawan, M Mursidin, D Purbarani… - Prosiding …, 2019 -
Mangrove merupakan sumberdaya laut yang memiliki fungsi dan peran sangat penting bagi
biotalaut, terutama sebagai tempat tinggal sementara atau tetap, tempat mencari makan …

Density and length-weight relationship of mudskipper (Periophthalmus spp.) in the mangrove area of Kairatu Beach, Maluku, Indonesia

D Taniwel, F Leiwakabessy - Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020 -
Taniwel D, Leiwakabessy F, Rumahlatu D. 2020. Short Communication: Density and length-
weight relationship of mudskipper (Periophthalmus spp.) in the mangrove area of Kairatu …

[PDF][PDF] Keanekaragaman Ikan Gelodok (Mudskipper) Di Hutan Mangrove Kecamatan Ujung Pangkah Kabupaten Gresik

A Ningsih, H Santoso - Journal Enggano, 2020 -
Ikan glodok (mudskipper) merupakan ikan yang hidup di daerah intertidal. Ikan ini memliki
karakteristik menyerupai amphibi, yang dapat berjalan diatas lumpur dan memanjat akar …

Identification of gelodok fish (Perciformes, Gobiidae) in a coastal mangrove ecosystem, based on morphological and molecular characteristics

DWK Baderan, RV Aydalina, MS Hamidun… - Biosystems …, 2023 -
Gelodok fish (mudskippers) are a subfamily of amphibian fish commonly found living in
mangrove ecosystems, one of which is in Tabongo Village, Dulupi District, Boalemo …

Investigating gonad length and fecundity in mudskippers (Gobiidae) at the Musi River estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia

MR Ridho, E Patriono, D Rahmawati… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2021 -
Ridho MR, Patriono E, Wati DR, Pratama R, Avesena M. 2021. Short Communication:
Investigating gonad length and fecundity in mudskippers (Gobiidae) at the Musi River …