The clustered nucleus—cluster structures in stable and unstable nuclei

M Freer - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2007 -
The subject of clustering has a lineage which runs throughout the history of nuclear physics.
Its attraction is the simplification of the often uncorrelated behaviour of independent particles …

Nuclear structure at the proton drip line: Advances with nuclear decay studies

B Blank, MJG Borge - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2008 - Elsevier
The study of nuclear decay modes reveals a large panel of nuclear structure phenomena
and allows us to investigate the behaviour of the atomic nucleus with an extreme imbalance …

Energy levels of light nuclei A= 11

JH Kelley, E Kwan, JE Purcell, CG Sheu, HR Weller - Nuclear Physics A, 2012 - Elsevier
A review of evidence on the properties of the A= 11 nuclei, with emphasis on material
leading to information about the structure of the A= 11 systems.

Nuclei beyond the proton drip-line

PJ Woods, CN Davids - Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle …, 1997 -
▪ Abstract The proton drip-line defines the limit at which nuclei become unbound to the
emission of a proton from their ground states. Low-Z nuclei lying beyond this limit only exist …

Two-proton emission and related phenomena

M Pfützner, I Mukha, SM Wang - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2023 - Elsevier
One of characteristic phenomena for nuclei beyond the proton dripline is the simultaneous
emission of two protons (2p). The current status of our knowledge of this most recently …

Two-proton radioactivity

B Blank, M Płoszajczak - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2008 -
In the first part of this review, experimental results which lead to the discovery of two-proton
radioactivity are examined. Beyond two-proton emission from nuclear ground states, we also …

[图书][B] Structure and reactions of light exotic nuclei

Y Suzuki, K Yabana, RG Lovas, K Varga - 2003 -
Since the mid-1980s increasing effort has been put into light exotic nuclei, that is light nuclei
of unusual composition. The research of the exotic nuclei began with the advent of …

The study of exotic nuclei

RF Casten, BM Sherrill - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2000 - Elsevier
The quantum many body system of protons and neutrons that makes up the nucleus of
atoms has been studied for nearly 100 years, yet there are many unexplored aspects. One of …

A new view of nuclear shells

R Kanungo - Physica Scripta, 2013 -
The nuclear shell structure that has served as a fundamental framework for understanding
the arrangement of nucleons exhibits dramatic changes as the neutron to proton ratio in …

Two-proton decay of O and its isobaric analog state in N

MF Jager, RJ Charity, JM Elson, J Manfredi… - Physical Review C …, 2012 - APS
Following neutron knockout from an 13 O beam, 12 O fragments were created and the three
decay products following two-proton decay were detected. A new ground-state mass was …