Adaptive traffic signal control mechanism for intelligent transportation based on a consortium blockchain

X Zhang, D Wang - IEEE Access, 2019 -
The development of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) has facilitated adaptive traffic
signal control for intelligent transportation. In this paper, we proposed the traffic signal …

An adaptive traffic signal coordination optimization method based on vehicle-to-infrastructure communication

J Xiang, Z Chen - Cluster Computing, 2016 - Springer
The increasing volume of traffic in cities has a significant effect on the road traffic
congestions and the time it takes for road users to reach their destinations as well. Adaptive …

Coordinated control of intelligent fuzzy traffic signal based on edge computing distribution

C Yu, J Chen, G Xia - Sensors, 2022 -
With the development of Internet of Things infrastructures and intelligent traffic systems, the
traffic congestion that results from the continuous complexity of urban road networks and …

Traffic congestion control synchronizing and rerouting using LoRa

DM Kumar, R Arthi, C Aravindhan, AA Roch… - Microprocessors and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent growth of Automobile users in big cities leads to traffic congestion. Traffic congestion
leads to more waiting time for the vehicle users to reach destination. To avoid this road …

An efficient multi‐hop broadcast protocol for emergency messages dissemination in VANETS

L Wu, L Nie, J Fan, Y He, Q Liu… - Chinese Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Black‐burst based multi‐hop broadcast protocols are effective means to disseminate
Emergency messages (EMs) in Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). However, Clear to …

A novel real-time traffic signal control strategy for emergency vehicles

L Zhong, Y Chen - IEEE Access, 2022 -
Intelligent traffic signal control strategies for emergency vehicles (EV) is a research hotspot
in intelligent transportation systems. Its research results will promote the shortening of the …

A novel virtual traffic light algorithm based on V2V for single intersection in vehicular networks

L Guo, D Wang, P Li, L Zhang, M Ren, H Liu… - … and Applications: 13th …, 2019 - Springer
For the vehicle passing priority, the existing virtual traffic light algorithm only considered the
factor of the arrival time, a group of vehicles won't transfer the wayleave until they all pass …

Traffic signal timing and optimization based on video recognition technology

Z Liao, J Xu, R He, J Cao, Y Wang - CICTP 2020, 2020 -
In order to alleviate urban traffic pressure and improve road service level, this paper
proposed a new traffic signal timing scheme based on video recognition technology, which …

Dynamic Target Detection in Intelligent Traffic Detection System

L Li, T Wang, C Bi, S Li, C Yuan… - 2022 IEEE 2nd …, 2022 -
Great changes have taken place in people's lives this year. Especially in terms of
transportation, the number of private cars has generally increased. Therefore, research on …

Node Similarity Top-k Query of the Large-Scale Dynamic Graph With Weak Repeated Path Constraint

W Junlu, S Yulong, S Baoyan - IEEE Access, 2019 -
Node similarity Top-k query has always been a hot topic in the graph field. The existing node
similarity Top-k query methods often need to traverse the whole graph, so its iterative …