A leading psychologist explains why nearly all of us--including many of those who are persecuted and powerless--so often defend the social systems that cause misery and …
Rising inequality of income and power, along with recent convulsions in the finance sector, have made the search for alternatives to unbridled capitalism more urgent than ever. Yet few …
Class Counts constitutes one of the few attempts to use systematically the concept of class from the Marxist tradition of social theory in quantitative research. The research in the book …
Die Sammlung und die Herausgabe in Buchform wollen diesen Aufsätzen keine größere Bedeutung zumuten, als ihnen einzeln zukommen würde. Sie sind größtenteils (mit …
SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR presents a theoretical and empirical overview of the nature and meaning of deviance, examining in detail a number of forms of behavior …
Poverty is not simply the result of an individual's characteristics, behaviors or abilities. Rather, as David Brady demonstrates, poverty is the result of politics. In Rich Democracies …
Democracy is under threat from a variety of forces originating in the transnational capitalist economy. Dryzek here outlines these forces, considers how democracy might be defended …
¿ El fin de la historia?¿ O tal vez el de la ciencia histórica? En el primer sentido, esta expresión se ha puesto de moda como consecuencia de un artículo de Francis Fukuyama …
In recent years game theory has swept through all of the social sciences. Its practitioners have great designs for it, claiming that it offers an opportunity to unify the social sciences and …