This volume provides the most comprehensive treatment of phonological weight to date, bringing together traditional notions of categorical, rime-based weight and new …
KM Ryan - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2019 - Springer
Prosodic end-weight refers to the well-documented tendency of prosodically heavier constituents to be preferred at the ends of domains when other factors (eg semantics …
It has been extensively observed that languages minimise the distance between two related words. Dependency length minimisation effects are explained as a means to reduce …
P Faghiri, P Samvelian - Empirical issues in syntax and semantics …, 2014 -
Studies on constituent ordering have pointed out the tendency to post-pose heavy constituents. However, head-nal languages seem to display the mirror-image tendency. In …
La présente thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la dérivation par suffixation d'adjectifs à partir de noms en français. Nous nous appuyons sur un lexique d'environ 15~ 000 adjectifs, dont …
Evaluative adjectives have often been claimed to manifest a strong, and even exclusive, preference for the nonrestrictive reading (henceforth the 'nonrestrictive bias' of evaluative …
Q Pradet, L Danlos, G De Chalendar - LREC'14-Ninth International …, 2014 -
VerbNet is an English lexical resource for verbs that has proven useful for English NLP due to its high coverage and coherent classification. Such a resource doesn't exist for other …
Aquesta tesi investiga fenòmens d'escalaritat en l'àmbit nominal a través d'un subgrup d'adjectius adverbials prenominals en espanyol, els adjectius de veracitat (AV; …
A major goal of the quantitative study of syntax has been to identify factors that have predictive power on speaker choices in the face of word-order or valence alternations (eg …