OC Ajayi, F Kwesiga - Agroforestry systems, 2003 - Springer
Planted-tree fallows (syn. improved fallows) have demonstrated great biophysical potential for improving soil fertility on smallholders' farms but efforts to scale up their adoption to more …
This paper aims to understand the linkages between adaptive capacity and social protection within agroforestry contexts through a case study approach. It examines how elements of …
OC Ajayi, FK Akinnifesi, AO Ajayi - Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Customary practices such as bush fires and the browsing by livestock, and the absence of land property rights are important institutional constraints to effective up-scaling of natural …
CS Everson, SB Ghezehei, TM Everson… - Water Research …, 2012 - wrc.org.za
The relatively low rainfall and limited arable land in South Africa make it imperative to effectively and efficiently use its natural resources for food and fibre production. This is even …
R Kindt - A toolkit and reference source. World Agroforestry …, 2006 - naturefund.de
The lack of tree seed is often cited as a key constraint to the adoption of new agroforestry technologies, alongside problems of seed quality and lack of a broad diversity of species …
Ambiguity in property rights underlies some customary practices such as bush fires and browsing by livestock which create conflicts in managing natural resource commons (natural …
" Zambia-ICRAF Agroforestry Project, PO Box 510046, Chipata, Zambia;* University of Stellenbosch, School ofAgricultural and Forestry Sciences, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7600 …
This work could not have been successfully completed without the moral and intellectual input of a number of people and institutions. I am especially thankful to my supervisors; Dr …
La d fus ón ex tosa de una tecnología agroforestal mpl ca la superac ón de d versos obstáculos que comúnmente lm tan el proceso de su expans ón progres va (tamb én …