Standard accounts of nineteenth-century anti-slavery movements have depicted a European continent largely marked by a lack of interest in, or compassion for, the plight of the slaves …
A Van Stipriaan - Beyond the canon: History for the twenty-first century, 2007 - Springer
Two terms are used to describe the historical process by which the system of slavery ended: abolition and emancipation. At issue here is whether these terms partake in the same …
De betekenis van Piet van Eeghen als zakelijke weldoener voor Nederland de modernisering in de 19e eeuw is nauwelijks te overschatten. Een indrukwekkend portret van …
De autobiografie is booming business. Op de hedendaagse boekenmarkt verschijnt een groot aantal levensverhalen, variërend van memoires van beroemde personen tot …
In this thesis I reconstruct a section of the history of women's emancipatory activities in the Netherlands from 1795 until the 1930s. This reconstruction serves a dual purpose: firstly, to …
Het schrijven van dit proefschrift over de lange termijn-ontwikkeling van de Leidse vrouwenbeweging bracht mij terug naar mijn studententijd. Het was de periode dat mijn …
My interest in Dutch women abolitionists began in spring 2014, while I was running my regular route along the Lloydkade in Rotterdam. At one point I was exhausted and decided …
A Stanziani - Abolitions as a Global Experience, 2015 -
In turn, debates on the abolition of Russian serfdom were long imprisoned by teleological approaches to history: first Russian Marxist, then Soviet historiography sought confirmation …