A Telli, S Erat, B Demir - Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2021 - Springer
In present study, energy transition from fossil-based to renewable energy of Turkey was compared with Germany, which is one of the world leaders, in order to analyze for which …
S Erat, A Telli - MRS Energy & Sustainability, 2020 - cambridge.org
Circular energy transformation of Turkey is essential to strengthen the national energy security. Turkey will benefit from moving towards a circular economy. Circular economy (CE) …
The urgent need to tackle climate change drives the research on new technologies to help the transition of energy systems. Hydrogen is under significant consideration by many …
V Davtyan - MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018 - matec-conferences.org
The prerequisites for the development of Armenia's nuclear power industry are indicated. The main geopolitical problems of operation of the Armenian NPP are revealed through …
GS Uluer, Ç Çağlayan - … of research on strategic management for …, 2021 - igi-global.com
Turkey's energy consumption grown because Turkish economic volume, industrialization, and population have increased. The way to meet this energy need is to have a sustainable …
Enerji, modern insan yaşamı, endüstri ve ulaşımın temel ihtiyaçlarından biridir. Dünyada enerjiye olan ihtiyaç hızla artmakta, buna karşın enerji arzının en önemli unsuru olan fosil …
Napjaink egyik megosztó és sokakat foglalkoztató kérdése a nukleáris beruházás, függetlenül attól, hogy melyik vállalat valósítja meg. A nukleáris beruházásokkal …
In the 21st century energy plays significant role in the development of any country. Even for the highly developed nations energy is essential. In general, people used to believe that …
Tarihsel süreçte karşılıklı rekabet ve çatışma ortamında geçen Türkiye-Rusya ilişkileri, Soğuk Savaşın sona ermesi ve SSCB'nin dağılmasının ardından rekabet ve çatışma …