A Kurniawati - Journal of Creativity Student, 2017 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Bunga mawar adalah salah satu jenis tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia yang beriklim tropis. Bunga mawar bisa menghasilkan minyak atsiri jika diekstraksi. Minyak atsiri …
Pemilihan bahan pengisi bubuk mawar harus sesuai dengan sifat produk yang diinginkan karena akan mempengaruhi karakteristik cookies. Penambahan bubuk bunga mawar …
I Oktavianawati, N Letisya, P Citra, DP Utari… - Jurnal Ilmu …, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Karangpring is one tourist destination villages in Jember district which is popular with beautiful large rose field areas. Therefore, this area grows to be a leading producer of rose …
SRP Putri, EA Saati, D Damat - Food Technology and Halal …, 2022 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
Manalagi apple is Malanglocal apple that has high pectin content, so it has potential to be processed into fruit leather. However, manalagi apple fruit leather has unattractive color and …
YW Wulandari, SS Sutardi - Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi …, 2021 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
Rose water was water that has a distinctive flavor of rose and produced from the extraction of red rose petals using the steam distillation method. Red rose flowers have been used by …
N Rahmawati, EA Saati, M Wachid - Food Technology and …, 2020 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
Foam mat drying is a drying method that produced powder with better quality compared to conventional drying. The research aimed to analyze the effect of egg albumen concentration …
Natural dye is easier to dissolve in water and to be absorbed by our body than artificial pigment. Anthocyanin pigment combination from different sources is able to improve …