Exploring the role of social media in collaborative learning the new domain of learning

JAN Ansari, NA Khan - Smart Learning Environments, 2020 - Springer
This study is an attempt to examine the application and usefulness of social media and
mobile devices in transferring the resources and interaction with academicians in higher …

Social media applications affecting Students' academic performance: A model developed for sustainability in higher education

MM Alamri, MA Almaiah, WM Al-Rahmi - Sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
Nowadays, social media applications (SMAs) which are quite popular among students have
a significant influence on education sustainability. However, there is a lack of research that …

Student engagement: a principle-based concept analysis

JS Bernard - International journal of nursing education scholarship, 2015 - degruyter.com
A principle-based concept analysis of student engagement was used to examine the state of
the science across disciplines. Four major perspectives of philosophy of science guided …

Undergraduate dropout in Colombia: A systematic literature review of causes and solutions

A Arias, M Linares-Vásquez… - Journal of Latinos and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Higher education dropout rates in Colombia are the second highest in Latin-America. Almost
50% of students who start an undergraduate program in Colombia drop out. In this paper …

Assessment of cognitive student engagement using heart rate data in distance learning during COVID-19

AC Ladino Nocua, JP Cruz Gonzalez… - Education …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Student engagement allows educational institutions to make better decisions regarding
teaching methodologies, methods for evaluating the quality of education, and ways to …

[PDF][PDF] Compromiso estudiantil y desempeño académico en el contexto universitario colombiano

C Pineda-Báez, JJ Bermúdez-Aponte… - … . Revista Electrónica de …, 2014 - redalyc.org
A pesar de la ampliación de la cobertura en la educación superior latinoamericana,
persisten graves problemas de deserción que llevan a cuestionar el papel de las …

[PDF][PDF] Las dificultades de adaptación a la enseñanza universitaria de los estudiantes con discapacidad: un análisis desde un enfoque de orientación inclusiva

PR Álvarez-Pérez, OM Alegre-de-la-Rosa… - … . Revista Electrónica de …, 2012 - redalyc.org
La necesidad de una atención específica para el desarrollo personal, social, académico y
profesional del alumnado con discapacidad es un reto que tiene contraída la institución …

Sustainability in education through collaborative learning using social media: an exploratory study with moderating role of “knowledge creator” and “knowledge seeker …

R Chaudhuri, S Chatterjee, D Vrontis… - International Journal of …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to examine the impact of social media (SM) on the interactivity
among teachers, among students and between students and teachers for sustainable …

Compromiso académico en universitarios del Programa de Acceso a la Educación Superior (PACE)

J Lira Munizaga, C Pérez-Salas - Calidad en la Educación, 2022 - SciELO Chile
Resumen El Programa de Acceso a la Educación Superior (PACE) es una iniciativa que
busca dar mayor equidad en el acceso de estudiantes de sectores vulnerables a la …

[PDF][PDF] Student engagement and college experience as the mediators of the relationship between institutional support and academic performance

J Amora, M Ochoco, R Anicete - Digital Journal of Lasallian …, 2016 - researchgate.net
Academic performance is one of the indicators of learning. It is the extent to which a student,
teacher, or institution has partly achieved their educational goals. It is vital in the part of the …